What is an Ice Dam?
nAn ice dam is generally created by heavy snowfall. Heat from the residence melts the snow on the roof. Water runs down to the eave of the residence. The eave is not adequately ventilated and or/colder than the main body of the residence and the water turns to ice with a back up of water behind it.
The worst ice dams occur when there is a heavy snow followed by very cold weather. Check the home carefully when ice dams form. Look at the underside of the roof sheathing and roof trim to make sure they haven't gotten wet. Check the insulation for dampness. Make sure that the roof sheathing hasn't rotted or that other less obvious problems in the ceiling or walls hasn't developed. And then detail a comprehensive plan to fix the damage. But more importantly, solve the problem.
nHome Remedy Quick Fix for Ice Back-Ups
nIf you live in a cold, snowy region, you already know about the damaging affects of ice dams. The gutters clog up with ice, then water runoff from the roof gets trapped by the dam and eventually backs up the roof, travels under the shingles and leaks into the house.
nWhile a permanent fix for ice dams usually requires increasing the insulation, sealing and ventilation in the attic, there is a simple way to diminish the damage after the dam has formed.
nFill the leg of discarded pair of panty hose with a calcium chloride ice melter. Lay the hose onto the roof so it crosses the ice dam and overhangs the gutter. If necessary, use a long-handled garden rake or hoe to push it into position.
nThe calcium chloride will eventually melt through the snow and ice and create a channel for water to flow down into the gutters or off the roof.
nIt is common for the tabs on the roof shingles to appear lifted or un-sealed following an ice back-up. However, when the roof is heated by the sun on the next warm day of the season, the tabs will become soft and pliable and fall back into place. This same warmth reactivates the tar strips on the back of the shingles and the shingles become resealed. No damage results. Therefore there is no loss.
nOften-Icicles will form from the inside of the soffit running down the exterior of the wall and siding. This can deteriorate and damage paint or siding.
To prevent future problems, rake or shovel off your roof. My friend even hoisted his snowblower on his roof which I thought was quite funny. Some roofs are easy to tackle yourself, and some require a professional. Keep your gutters clear. Unfortunately, with the weather we have been having, everyone needs to evaluate their own home on a daily basis.
Review the exterior of the house closely for damaged siding, broken soffits and/or split fascia. Review gutters for possible damage. The weight can create damage.
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